Education, Culture, Youth & Sport
It is clear that youth is the future of Europe – and therefore education must be one of the main topics on the European Union’s policy agenda. The equal access to education to provide each young European with the same chances for their future life is essential. Therefore programs like Erasmus+ deserve special recognition, enabling students to discover the European way of life and embracing the feeling of being European. Europe also shares rich cultural heritage and theatres, music, movies, dances and all other kinds of culture and also sports can act as elements to build teams and bridges between young citizens, becoming one big European community.
Ideas and opinions from our participants
“Je propose une démocratisation de l’éducation. La culture et la croyance ne seront pas une arme contre la jeunesse. #l’avenir nous appartient”
Participant in a local consultation in France
“Includere alloggio per i partecipanti al ‘’interreg volunteer youth’’
Participant in the local consultation of Venezia, in Italy
“Catalogar las formas de ocio europeo para que sean más conocidas en todos los países y que la juventud tenga un mayor acceso a ellas”
Participant in the local consultation of Jaen, España
“Nous devons développer la citoyenneté européenne ! Les États membres de l’UE pourraient élaborer un programme d’éducation à la citoyenneté européenne afin de responsabiliser les jeunes citoyen.nes d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Cela passerait par des méthodes d’éducation non formelles, en coopération avec les institutions européennes et la société civile”
Christelle, Luxembourg
“Europe should set up cultural conventions and scholarships to enable students to enjoy culture free of charge and more easily and, for university students, part-time work opportunities designed to reconcile study and work and guarantee a fair salary, with the aim of combating the exploitation to which student workers are often subjected and tax evasion” (Lecco)
Participant in the local consultation of Lecco, in Italy
Europe should:
- Implement a common European line at school level, focusing on the theoretical and notional aspect but also on a more practical preparation oriented towards workplace
- Set up cultural conventions and scholarships to enable students to enjoy culture free of charge and more easily and, for university students, part-time work opportunities designed to reconcile study and work and guarantee a fair salary, with the aim of combating the exploitation to which student workers are often subjected and tax evasion.
Participants in a local consultation in Genova
” Establishment of European citizenship as a common subject in the European Union, to educate European students about their common roots and to develop a sense of common belonging.”
”Creation of a common system of information about European institutions and creation of specific tv channels/social accounts dedicated to European news.”
Participants in the local consultation in Florence